

October 8th 2024, 8:00 pm

Doors: 7:00 pm 

Show: 8:00 pm 

Call SOhO for dinner reservations at (805) - 962 - 7776 ext 6 

Polyrhythmics sound originated in Seattle’s underground deep funk scene combining impossibly tight grooves with bold brass and hypnotic percussion that showcased elements of R&B, progressive jazz, and Afrobeat which defined the instrumental group’s early era sound.  


Now on their 14th year as a recording project and touring ensemble, the band’s sound continues to evolve with the 2023 release of their seventh full length album Filter System. As journalist Bee Getz writes, “it feels something like a new beginning for these fellas; Filter System is filled with uptempo dance tunes, crunkadelic bangers, and dusty blunted safaris-in-sound”.


Polyrhythmics virtuosic musicianship and musical conversation has been built on a relentless touring schedule of the previous decade which has led them to their current sound that fills a room with an impending mood where anything could happen - sometimes evoking their brighter and cinematic Fela-influences, but also a more sinister and darker turn toward a more a progressive sonic palette combining psych-funk with dub reggae, film noir “and galaxies beyond.”